Little Boy (A Song by Ma San)
Ein Song über Kindheit, das Älterwerden und unseren Blick zurück.
I can’t but say that after all the years
that I still feel the little boy
who watches the clouds, someties for hours,
looses himself in wasting time
you always said it’s not easy to get
an idea of the world it’s so big
when you left you just smiled, after a while
I felt you standing at my door
Can you tell is it us who do change or is it
just this big crazy world playing games with us
can you tell it it us who do change or is it…
I can’t really tell why I’m not just the man
why I’m not wh you want me to be
honestly I think, we’re leaves in the wind
just blown anywhere in a blink
play me a song play it like you wouldn’t ever go
I’ll just sit there and love it, more than ever
Years rush out like a train
but these tunes they run through my vains
Can you tell is it us who do change or is it
just this big crazy world playing games with us
can you tell it it us who do change or is it…
Written, composed and recorded with love and passion by Martin Seibel (Ma San)
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